Enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights Defenders Network in Asia for advancement of the rights of Indigenous Peoples (EIHRD)
This action builds on the achievements and lessons learnt from the EIDHR/2011/266456 project on strengthening the Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders (IPHRD) Network in Asia that AIPP implemented form 2011-2014. After the conclusion of the EIDHR project in 2014, AIPP and the IPHRD organizations have continued many IPHRD-related activities, although to a smaller extent, as their core works – the learning from those experiences also inform this action. Recommendations were particularly collected from the 7 IPHRD organizations of the project and AIPP member/partner organizations in the 9 target countries
This proposed Action will directly address the need for multifaceted and creative approaches to effectively advance the rights of indigenous peoples, particularly on their rights to LTR. It will explore various entry points in consideration of the local and national legal frameworks, and political and security concerns of the 9 target countries (i.e. Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines and Thailand)

Overall objective: Impact
Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defenders (IPHRDs), including women IPHRDs, and their organizations are effectively advancing the rights of indigenous peoples, particularly their lands, territories and resource
Specific objectives: Out come

Main activities
Trainings, community seminars; Production of educational audio visual materials, policy briefs, reports and other advocacy materials; Documentation of indigenous rights violations; Conduct of fact-finding missions; Lobby/advocacy with relevant regional and international processes; Dialogues/round table discussions with relevant human rights and indigenous peoples institutions, and relevant actors such as policy makers, civil society, businesses etc.; Provision of direct support to IPHRDs and their organizations and communities at risks;
Duration of the project
1st January 2019 – 31st December 2023
Supported by
EUROPEAN UNION and Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact Foundation (AIPP)